Spring Tour Video Round-up

Gravy has done a pretty amazing job documenting the tediousness/fun of touring and distilling it all down into short(ish) segments. I think this is the 9th tour with videos! #wegotemboys. View all 10 spring tour vids after the jump. Enjoy.
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Lethbridge/Canmore Mini-tour Blog!

North Bergen Dinkus

This photo basically sums up touring, as does this video: From YEG to YYZ in 2 minutes.

CMJ Tour (Day 10&11)

CMJ Tour (Day 6-9)

CMJ Tour (Day 4&5)

CMJ Tour (Day 2&3)

CMJ Tour (Day 1)

Tour Blog – Dawson City Supplemental, Lyle & Jaycie Edition

Tour Blog – Dawson City (Day 5 & 6)

A couple of slow days to wind down our trip… also, my first crack at editing with Final Cut.  DCMF5&6